Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Goat Had Triplets Today!

One of my goats had triplets today. They are the cutest! 2 does and a buckling. This is my first experience with triplets. Normally they have twins. If it's a first time Mom, she will generally have a single birth. I have 25 goats total after today I have 28. We are trying to establish a good size herd. 50 to 100. The funny thing about all this is that we have bought all of our goats from livestock auctions. You never quite know what you are getting there. Our first 10, they told us all had been exposed to a buck and they were pregnant. Only 1 of the ten were. The next little group we bought, out of the 5, 2 were pregnant. Then we bought 7 goats and they said they were not pregnant. One of these is the one that had triplets! Plus we are positive at least 3 more of these will be kidding any time now! We are happy happy goat ranchers these days.

We have one milk goat but we need her to become pregnant before she will freshen or have milk for us too! I can hardly wait as I want to try my hand once more at making goat's milk soap. As you recall from yesterday my first attempts at goat milk soap did not go well.

Like I said, I love the hemp oil soap I made and please go to my shop to check it out!

I told you I was going to talk about how I came about the name Plow and Pony but that will have to wait until later. I may have a vote on names !

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