Wow! What a busy summer I am having! My blog has taken a back seat I see. Glad I still have a few followers. Here's what I have been doing.
Tending the 58 goats.
Driving my boys back and forth to their jobs and extra activities.
Swimming..everyday. Sitting at the computer everyday in the winter takes a toll on the rear. I have been swimming and walking, determined to be more svelte by my 50th birthday.
Working at my paying job.
Selling food at auctions every other weekend.
Getting ready for a huge barn sale.
Making goat's milk soap. So Fun! Will put some in my shop for sale soon.
Ducking all the stormy weather we have had lately.
Thinking up different ways to make stir any ideas?
My Dad and his wife came to visit from California so we did some fun touristy stuff..the zoo, the Trueman Library and an old civil war jail.
Visiting with friends.
Summer is just too short to sit at the computer. It will be winter soon enough and I will have time for it then.
If I do have time to sit at the comp I have tended to research a cold case I stumbled upon. It is really creepy and not for the faint of heart. Not something I normally do either..but there is something about this case. I just can NOT believe it hasn't been solved. There is a whole message board devoted to it with some 22000+ posts. Some are family and people who live or lived in the area. It gets pretty emotional in there and it takes a bit just to figure out who everyone is and how they relate to the case and their angle on it. There is a documentary too. I haven't bought it but I have been tempted. You can see clips of it on youtube. If you do have an interest just google cabin 28. Or go to
Hope you are all having a great summer!
I'd love to have some of that goat's milk to drink.
Guess it's good that you are staying busy.
I worked for years as a Criminal Investigator at the Sheriff's Dept. I find those cases fascinating.
FishHawk..Thank you for including me!
Gena..My dream job! If you have a chance to look over the cabin 28 Keddie murders, would you mind dropping me a note as to what you think?
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